307 GOPHER: FITstep Pro Pedometers—Monitoring, Uploading, & Analyzing Activity

Thursday, April 3, 2014: 12:45 PM-1:45 PM
Convention Center: 220/229
Commercial Presentations:
Intended Audience: K-12
Speaker: Robert P. Pangrazi, Gopher Sport, Tempe, AZ
The Gopher FITstep Pro pedometer is accurate, durable, and designed for easy uploading of activity data. The FITstep Pro offers the ability to monitor moderate to vigorous physical activity, total daily activity and steps. The Pro works with a data reader to upload your activity to a computer. This session will show how to validate pedometers for accuracy, determine your personal MVPA threshold, upload data, and use a new version of the FITstep software.