Call for Submissions

2025 SHAPE America National Convention & Expo

Information & Instructions:

  1. Specific Submission Information

    Provide title, submitter email, and specific questions about the session or abstract. These may include the Presentation Type, Track, required Equipment, and Learning Objectives, as appropriate to the submission type.
  2. Enter People

    Enter planner and presenter names, affiliation, and contact information.
  3. Enter Description

    You will be able to copy/paste your description into a text box.
  4. Confirmation

    You will have a chance to look over the submission to make sure all is complete.
  5. General Instructions

    No names or titles should be included in the abstract text. Names will be automatically hidden during the abstract review process and will be automatically inserted and properly formatted upon publication.

    Presenting authors will be automatically informed of the unique ID numbers and passwords assigned to their abstracts. Abstracts may be viewed and modified at any time between submission and the deadline, using the assigned ID# and password.

    Technical Support

    For help in submitting an abstract online, Contact technical support.

Begin a submission to the following:

SHAPE America offers presentation options through which health and physical education solutions providers may share new activities, best practices, research, case studies and more. We define these sessions as those submitted by a for-profit or non-profit entity, particularly those which would require the purchase of specific instructional materials or equipment to complete or those looking to encourage subscription to a service. These include Sponsor Theater Sessions, which are 60-minutes in length and may be activity- or presentation-based. These sponsored presentation opportunities are available for a fee. For more information, please contact

New Submissions Closed

New Submissions Closed

Research Abstracts are a summary of a data based research study and all submissions must include background, methods, results, and conclusions.

New Submissions Closed

A Research Symposium is a prearranged meeting of a number of experts and researchers where different papers on a defined subject are presented and discussed; and at the end, some recommendations on the discussed problems are made. It is organized by a single symposium lead.