245 Maintaining Physical Education in the Reauthorization of IDEA

Thursday, April 3, 2014: 8:45 AM-10:00 AM
Convention Center: 275
Physical Education: Inclusion (includes adapted, obesity issues, at risk youth)
Intended Audience: K-12, Post Secondary Instructor/Faculty
Speakers: Robert Arnhold, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, Slippery Rock, PA; Geoffrey Broadhead, Kent State University (Emeritus Professor), Wilmington, NC; Suzanna Dillon, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI; Terry Rizzo, California State University, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, CA; and Garth Tymeson, University of Wisconsin�La Crosse, La Crosse, WI
Federal special education legislation (PL 108-446: IDEA) mandates physical education (PE) for individuals with disabilities. This building session will review issues associated with the reauthorization of IDEA and offer strategies to advocate for the continuation of PE in IDEA. Strategies will include, but not limited to, attending regional hearings, establishing national talking points, using social media and more. Audience participation is essential to implement a national strategy to advocate for PE in the law. (CEU)
  • RIZZO COMMENT PE IDEA.pdf (76.4 kB)
  • RIZZO LAWHANDOUT.pdf (12.4 kB)
  • See more of: Physical Education